Sunday, July 1, 2007

Go with the flow, just go with the flow

So I'm cruising along on SIL's go with the flow socks. And after having to knit the heel flap twice due to my own stupidity, I negelected to remember that when I isolated the stiches (I think) as the pattern stated they weren't centred in the patteren, so I knit the entire heel flap, turned the heel and realized what I did. It was late, Jer said don't worry no one will notice, I lost sleep that night and ripped it back in the morning. I just couldn't live with it. So I knit the flap again while watching the boys swim on Friday afternoon, then turned the heel, mostly. After they went to bed I picked up my sock and the heel was all wrong, apparently I can't count properly and supervise swimming at the same time. Rip back heel and start again. By the time I went to bed Friday night I was only slightly farther along than where I was 24 hrs previously, but it's right. Now, here it is Sunday, late afternoon, and I have finished all the gusset decreases (I don't particularly like flap heels) and I'm cruising away on the foot. They need to be done for Friday night because we are going out for supper with them and I want to give them to her. AND, I want to finish them so I can start my Monkey's, I've decided that's what I'm doing with the Pink Granite, AND I'm expecting sock club yarn and I may need to start something with that, or I may have to wait and see what it wants to be first.

Tonight, no sock, super soft baby sweater instead. I want to get one pattern repeat done on the first front panel and sew the ends in on the completed back. That's the trick to me doing colourwork, sew the ends in as I complete each piece, then it's not quite so daunting.

I should take some pictures. Because really, what's the point of just talking about it if you can't see it. Not that anyone reads this anyways. Except maybe Ange.

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